10月 7, 2023
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| function! myspacevim#before() abort set timeoutlen=100 let g:python3_host_prog = expand("C:\\Users\\17189\\miniconda3\\python.exe") endfunction
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| #============================================================================= # basic.toml --- basic configuration example for SpaceVim # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors # Author: Wang Shidong < > # URL: # License: GPLv3 #=============================================================================
# All SpaceVim option below [option] section [options] # set spacevim theme. by default colorscheme layer is not loaded, # if you want to use more colorscheme, please load the colorscheme # layer colorscheme = "onedark" colorscheme_bg = "dark" # Disable guicolors in basic mode, many terminal do not support 24bit # true colors enable_guicolors = true # Disable statusline separator, if you want to use other value, please # install nerd fonts statusline_separator = "nil" statusline_iseparator = "bar" buffer_index_type = 4 windows_index_type = 3 enable_tabline_filetype_icon = false enable_statusline_mode = false statusline_unicode = false # Enable vim compatible mode, avoid changing origin vim key bindings bootstrap_before = "myspacevim#before" vimcompatible = true relativenumber = false default_indent = 4 expand_tab = true disabled_plugins = ["delimitMate"] # autocomplete_method = "coc"
[[custom_plugins]] repo = "jiangmiao/auto-pairs" merged = false
# Enable autocomplete layer [[layers]] name = 'autocomplete' auto_completion_return_key_behavior = "complete" auto_completion_tab_key_behavior = "cycle"
[[layers]] name = 'shell' default_position = 'top' default_height = 30 default_shell = "terminal"
[[layers]] name = "colorscheme"
[[layers]] name = "sudo"
[[layers]] name = "lang#c" enable_clang_syntax_highlight = true
[[layers]] name = "lang#python"
[[layers]] name = "lsp" enabled_clients = [ 'clangd', 'pylsp', ] [layers.clang_std] cpp = "c11" filetypes = [ "c", "cpp", "python", ] [layers.override_cmd] c = ["clangd"] cpp = ["clangd"] python = ["pylsp"]
[[layers]] name = "format"
# [[layers]] # name = "lang#ipynb"